Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Who is my Neighbor?

As we continue our study in "Relationships" at C3, I am excited about this Sunday's message grounded in Romans 13:8-14 entitled, "My Relationship to my Neighbors."

I am then drawn to the question asked by an expert in the Law, who asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" The parable that Jesus gives in response to that question is perhaps one of the most popular even today...the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).

To understand the impact of Jesus' answer, one needs to understand the racism of Jesus' day. There was such a disdain between Jews and Samaritans that they did not even associate with one another. The first "neighbor" that happened by was a priest. He passed by on the other side. The second "neighbor" that happened by was a Levite. He, too, passed by on the other side. Both of these men were "pillars" of their community. They were deeply religious. They were very respected. They were Jewish, as was the man in need. They certainly would be the first to help. Not so.

The third neighbor that happened by was, of all people, a Samaritan. Samaritans hated Jews. Surely he would not only pass by but might even have celebrated the dire condition of the Jewish man in the ditch. But instead, we see that this Samaritan not only approached the man, he bandaged his wounds, he carried him to the inn and he paid for his care. Oh, the love that can be shown regardless of the person.

God calls all of us to love our neighbor as ourself. He calls us to approach our neighbor, to offer them the eternal healing found only in Jesus Christ, to carry them to a local body called the church and to help strengthen them in the knowledge and service of the Lord.

Who is your neighbor? See you Sunday!


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