Friday, August 21, 2009


"It's all about relationships!" That's what I have heard from the earliest days of my selling career. The other addage tossed around with a frequency like that of waves rolling ashore has a similar ring: "People buy from people." Or how about the other favorite, "It's not what you know; it's who you know"?

We can all relate (no pun intended, but indeed retained for purposes of staying on topic!) to relationships. In fact, all of us have a number of different types of relationships. For example, I am a son, a brother, a nephew, a grandson, a husband, a father, a son-in-law, an uncle, a friend, a neighbor, a pastor, a coworker, a boss, an employee, a coach, a church member, a teammate, etc. In every case, my life is connected to other people. And if you can fathom the mathematical model postulated by some very smart people, the entire human race is connected by "six degrees of separation." Yes, relationships matter. In seminary, these kind of relationships are called "Horizontal Relationships." These relationships are kept in tact by the last 6 commandments.

But then there is the "Vertical Relationship." This is the most important relationship...our relationship to God. This relationship is encompassed by the first 4 commandments. This Sunday begins our new sermon series entitled (fittingly, given this blog's content!), "RELATIONSHIPS."

Come join us Sunday as we look at Romans 12:1-2. We will learn what God's expecation is in our relationship with Him. You may just be surprised!


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