Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Prayer for you in 2011

There is something spiritually and emotionally cathartic with beginning anew...a new job, a new school, a new car, a new city, a new year.

There is a liberating feeling and a fresh perspective that comes with beginning anew. Jeremiah wrote, "His compassions fail not; they are new every morning." (Lam. 3:22-23) The beginning of a new year brings great promise and great anticipation. Whatever 2010 was for you, I pray that 2011 will be a year you will never want to forget. Here is my prayer for you:

- that you draw closer to God
- that you drink deeply from His Word
- that you dwell richly with Him in prayer
- that you speak boldly of His love
- that you work diligently for His Kingdom
- that you serve humbly within His church
- that you worship sacrificially His Son

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Pastor Randy

Monday, December 20, 2010

Big Question...Answered!

So, finally, I have the time to answer the last Big Question:

What are the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6?

Great question! There are two plausible explanations offered by scholars. "Nephilim" = fallen ones, tyrants; they were the offspring of sexual relations between the sons of God and the daughters of men.

Explanation 1: The "sons of God" were the god-fearing descendents of Seth and the "daughters of men" were the unholy descendents of Cain. This union created evil men who were renowned for their tyranny and strength.

Explanation 2: The "sons of God" were fallen angels (demons) who had sexual relations with female humans. The offspring were powerful and evil. Why would demons do such a thing? One answer is that they may have been attempting to pollute the human bloodline in order to prevent the coming Promised One - Jesus Christ (reference God's promise in Genesis 3:15).

Whatever your understanding, it is clear from the immediate context of their mention that God was grieved by the wickedness of that generation and thereby determined to judge the world by sending the flood.

The story of the Nephilim demonstrates both the wickedness of man and the holiness of God. We should not be surprised by God's response to the Nephilim but we should be in awe of His sovereign choice to save those 8 persons from the judgment of the flood! What a picture of God's mercy and grace!

Peace to all of you and your families this Christmas Season!

Pastor Randy

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Open Your Eyes...

When we honestly assess the message of the Bible, we cannot get around the command to "Tell the Good News to Everyone we meet." In fact, we find the Great Commission from Jesus in all four Gospels and also in the book of Acts. There is no doubt what Jesus' marching orders were and are for the church.

On Sunday, we distributed stalks of wheat to everyone. The wheat is representative of the harvest of believers. Jesus said to His disciples, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest?' I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest."

The Christmas season is the perfect time of year to have spirtiual conversations with those who do not yet follow Jesus. Please take some time, after reading this blog, to jot down the names of 3 people who you know are NOT saved. If you can't think of three people who are not saved, take some steps to meet some new people!

Once you have those three names, do the following: 1) Pray that God would give you the courage to ask that person to meet for a cup of coffee or lunch or whatever; 2) Ask that person to meet you for a cup of coffee or lunch or whatever; and 3) Tell that person, when you meet with them, that you are nervous but want to be obedient to your faith and ask them if they have ever considered the claims of Christ.

I'll admit, there is a lot that happens between the second and third step. Trust that God will guide you if you are willing. Remember that witnessing is not about you. It's about the Holy Spirit living in you to guide you in what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Just pray before you meet with that person.

Remember to think of the sin condition of your friend, co-worker, neighbor, or classmate is akin to them having cancer. They may not know it, but they are going to die. If you helped them to see that they have cancer but you know who has the cure, then your motivation will be pure and urgent.

Look at the fields. You have a sphere of influence that God has given you. Use it to lead others into the loving arms of Christ!
