Donald Trump's hit TV show, "The Apprentice" kicks off every week with the song, "Money Money Money...Muh-ney!"
Well, the Bible has over 2,300 references to it. So this Sunday we will delve one more time into this all-important and all-provacative topic of Money. This week we will learn what it means to be a cheerful giver. That is not always easy.
But if you ever did NOT want to miss a worship service, this is the Sunday to NOT miss. Why? Well, as they do in the TV medium so well, I am going to have to put you off a bit and let you tune in to find out! Let me just say that you DON'T WANT TO MISS SERVICE THIS SUNDAY!
On another note, please don't think I have forgotten the remaining BIG Questions. The topics include: Satan and masturbation, to name a few. Taboo topics to be sure, but do know that I will address them in this format.
Satan - The question was, "How was Satan able to sin while he was in heaven? My answer is:
Satan was created by God as a free creature, just like Adam and Eve.
Satan became prideful (Isa. 14:14 and Ezek. 28:14-15)
Adam and Eve were in Eden; it appears from Ezekiel that Satan was in Eden as well, when sin might have first occurred.
We don't know when Satan fell, but Jesus saw it. He says in Luke that He "saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." (Luke 10:18)
Next blog, I will answer the question, "Is masturbation a sin?"
See you Sunday! Don't miss it, for it is more blessed to give than to receive!
Pastor Randy
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