This Advent Season, our church will be taking a very unique approach to the First Coming of Jesus Christ. God came into this world as a baby on the straw in a manger, but His purposed destination would become pierced hands and feet with Roman spikes on a cruel, wooden cross.
As we peer into the life of the most influential man ever to be born on this earth, we learn that His hands would touch the leper's wound, His eyes would weep for the consequences of sin, His mouth would proclaim eternal Truth, His feet would walk the dusty road toward Calvary, and His heart would break under the weight of the world's sin as He hung on the cross.
Jesus never intended to stay in the manger, to stay in safety, to stay in obscurity. His mission was established at the foundation of the world, when God the Father chose to create man in His image. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would become the atonining sacrifice that would satisfy God's wrath for the sin of mankind. Jesus was born into this world to do for man what man could not do for himself - to be reconciled to God.
This is the Good News of all creation. At its core, Christmas is not about gifts, or lights, or cards, or feasts, or snow, or even family. It's about the greatest expression of love - the giving of a sinless life for all other lives. Jesus came into this world for one reason - to die and then to be raised, thereby putting death to death for all who believe on Him!
Join us this Sunday as we kick off the Advent season!
Pastor Randy
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