Thursday, November 4, 2010

Money Matters!

According to the pundits on TV, the election results on Tuesday reflected the collective frustration of the American public regarding our seemingly never-ending economic woes. Whether you have lost your job, foreclosed on your home, had to dicker with collection agents, or just simply had to tighten the belt on discretionary spending, the current economic situation in America has most probably affected you.

Giving in churches has declined by an average 16% in the last year. Many experts agree that the average church member considers the tithe as a discretionary expense on their budgets. If it comes down to paying the electric bill or giving money to the church, the electric bill normally wins out. Oftentimes, church members give to the church a portion of what is left over at the end of each month. Unfortunately, there are many months when there is actually a shortage of money when stacked up against the bills that are owed.

How did America get into such a mess? The politicians, for obvious reasons related to their own job security, will pander to the American public about how they intend to create jobs, crack down on Wall Street, and rein in the lending institutions. That sounds good in theory, but who are they kidding? The government doesn't create jobs - business does. The government can't control Wall Street - investors do. The government can't rein in lenders - consumers do. While it is true that goverment can set policy to facilitate such endeavors, the real culprits in the American economic meltdown are...well, you and me.

The Bible is not silent when it comes to financial stewardship. Over the next three weeks (or should it be twelve weeks?), we will study the time-tested truth of Scripture on the all-important topic of MONEY. Money does matter, and I am diligently preparing for what promises to be a practical application of God's Truth about Money and how you can set a course for you and your family to take control of your financial future!

See you Sunday!

Pastor Randy

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