How do I know I am saved? What a provocative question!
The truth is that most people who have at least professed to be Christian have asked that question at least once or twice in their life. For the Muslim, such a question cannot be answered. For the Christian, however, there is a definite set of proofs that one can apply to get at the answer very quickly.
As we evaluate the answer to that question and the proofs offered us in Scripture, we must be careful not to err on either extreme. For example, it is indeed a sobering thought that Jesus said, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matt. 7:13-14)
It is equally sobering to hear Jesus declare a few verses later, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." (Matt. 7:21)
On the other hand, it is quite disconcerting that the American culture today places a great deal of emphasis on being "good." Most would say, "I am a good person, and since God is good, He will not send me to hell." This is a dangerous statement to make, as it presumes something about the nature of man that is NOT what God's Word teaches. The Bible says that "No one does good, not even one." (Rom. 3:12)
If we say we are good, we are lying. And lying is not good. This is a hard truth, but it is nevertheless the Truth. Many of us can't handle the Truth, and so we continue on in life not wanting to face that Truth. It's like a tough conversation that we know we have to have with someone, but we keep putting it off, wishing the need to have that conversation would somehow just go away.
That, too, is dangerous, because none of us knows when our last day on this earth will be. That is a hard truth as well. We like to think we are good and that we are in control. Neither of these presumptions is correct. God alone is sovereign and God alone is good. That means that you and I must come to grips with that Truth and submit to His pathway toward reconciliation with Him. That path to reconciliation begins and ends with Jesus. What have you done and what are you doing with Jesus?
Is He your Savior? If so, rejoice in the fact that you are saved. Is He your Lord? If so, rejoice that you will bear much fruit in this life, preparing yourself for a glorious life in heaven with Him.
See you Sunday!
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