Friday, June 25, 2010

Does Prayer Work?

Guess where two of my favorite prayers in the whole Bible are located...

Nope - no where in the New Testament. That narrows it down a smidge, huh?

How about the Old Testament?

Give up??

Okay. Nehemiah 2 and Daniel 9. They are the classic prayers of two of the more godly men in the Scriptures.

As we continue our study in Daniel, and we evaluate the larger theme of our current series entitiled "Culture Clash," we come (God's timing is impeccable!) to studying Daniel 9:1-19 on July 4th. Read that beautiful, repentant prayer and substitute America for Israel. I couldn't even begin to take credit for the orchestration of this particular passage occurring on Independence Day!

Daniel prayed, because it was a reflection of his relationship with God. We, too, must pray, not because it is our duty but because it is our prvilege and our way of relating to our Heavenly Father.

In response to Daniel's prayer, God revealed to him the future. The fact is that when we pray in earnest before our Lord, He shows us a little more of His divine purposes. Prayer opens up the portals of heaven and allows us a glimpse of God's grandeur, holiness, power and plans.

What a joy it is to study Daniel's prayer and know that the Lord is in control!

I can't wait to see all of you!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Power of God

In a world where so many question the very existence of God, not to mention the overwhelming evidence of mounting evil and tragedy, one is left to wonder: How can there be a God if so much evil exists?

Good question. It is the very question asked by every atheist and every agnostic on the planet. Clearly, there is a rationale to suggest that if God is good and God is sovereign, why would or could evil exist? Thought-provoking to say the least. But, as happens many times, we become too intelligent for our own good. We think higher of our own minute understanding of the universe in which we live than the One who stands transcendant of it.

The Bible says, "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" That is to say, if we can even conceive of an all-powerful, supernatural being that presides over the universes that exists, then He must exist. There is no explanation of the origin of this world or man or anything in it outside of some being that started it all..."ex nihilo...created from nothing!

I have explored this postulation. I have pressed against the assumption of some eternal, infinite God. I have tested and tried the claims of the Bible. I have come to one conclusion that is of infinite and eternal significance...That the Lord is God and there is no other...that He created the heavens and the earth and everything in them...that He is above all...and most amazingly, He created me and you in HIS image and desires to have a relationship with us.

That relationship begins with Christ...His eternal Son, the Second Person of the Trinity...the only acceptable sacrifice for the sin of man. There is no other way we can know God except to accept Jesus as the one and only Son of God, that He was crucified, buried and was raised on the third day, to the glory of God the Father.

Imagine a world without God...impossible.

Dish Out